Year One | Visualisation Skills 
Body Extension

Tutor: Daniel Elkin
Year one emphasizes space as related to the body and narrative. The Body Extension exercise creates a wearable object that emphasizes a narrative of the body in motion. Through the basic design process of Observe, Analyze, Synthesize, and Iterate, students learn to understand a narrative described by/with/for our bodies and build an object that emphasizes, exaggerates, frustrates, or develops a relationship to that narrative. From the Body Extension, students move their work on site with the Narrative Framing. On-site installation proposals for projects respond to Ergonomic Narratives in Bowring Street’s Hawker Market. Students learn to respond to site, work in plan, and project spatial activist installations on site. The final exercise discussed Estranged Bodies and Domestic Narratives. This project aligns more normative understandings of Interior Design through adaptive reuse with students’ complex interpretations of ergonomic narratives, leading to the design of three spaces for unusual users’ particular anatomy and needs.

Key concepts to deliver: ergonomics, narrative, hand sketching, collage, hard line drafting, scale, stop motion photography.
Body Extension | Year One

Body Extension | Year One
